Thursday, November 12, 2009

TCG Photography: Bloody Ho Anyone?

Good Afternoon Wilders!

Last Thursday in my Lighting class my professor gave us a demo he appropriately titled "The Whore in Alley Shot". That's right! I was taught how to create the creepy and slightly sexual environment in which you would find the classic "sad ho", using only one light! Amazing I know, I go to school for this...Suck it law students! Anyway, my lovely, talented, and gorgeous friend Christina Gualy was up for the task of playing the role of "sad Ho" and even suggested we make her a BLOODY Ho! (a recent purchase of fake blood has proven itself useful on many occasions). For my photo we made her more of a "bloody pretty girl lost in a dark alley". See above...

The image below is part of my final series for another class. For this series I'm documenting the industrial parts of San Francisco. I shot the image below with my Holga. It is actually two different frames that I pieced together. I have done many different variations but so far I think this is the most effective composition.

And Finally! an old Classic of mine. I shot this about one year ago, outside Florence, Italy, also with my Holga. I call it "Piglets"...very appropriate I know. As always, I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks. If anyone has an idea for a photo shoot, send it my way and I'll see what I can do.

'Til next week Wilders!

1 comment:

Beauregard Grimes said...
