Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Douche Bag Alert: Guys w Stupid Signs

Yes, its been a while since I last came on the YW scene. To tell you the truth, Im not quite sure why that is. Perhaps I've been too caught up in the quickly cooling lazy hazy crazy days of summer...though I think, on further consideration, I had become a bit disenchanted with writing here. Without boring you with the details, I think I'm over that, and ready to once again regularly spew verbiage onto this page.

To start, lets talk about the most for real wildin' of the summer. No, I'm not talking about Electric Zoo on Randall's Island (VT can bless with a few stories from that), nor one of the many blackout nights at YWs LES headquarters (hello Ella). I'm talking about the wilders, calling themselves 10thers (after a misinterpreted clause in the 10th amendment supposedly making national health care reform "unconstitutional"--though somehow Medicare is okay, though still unconstitutional, showing that these people are both batty and unprincipled). The 10thers, led by none other than Fox News' Glenn "Im a raving lunatic" Beck, and lifted on high with money and press from uber-right-wing lobbyists like Freedom Works and, you guessed it, Fox News, gathered on the mall in DC to protest big government.
First off, many of these 10thers are probably people who would most benefit from some substantive progressive health care reform, nor that a number of them are covered by the VA health plan (an example of a tremendously well run government run health plan). But all that aside, I respect that argument for a restricted role of government. I understand the "get your big bureaucratic hand out of my pocket" sentiment that brings these camo covered gun toting wing nuts together a stones throw from the White House on the steps of the capital. I don't agree with it, but I respect, if nothing else, their right to an opinion.
What I can't respect, among other things, are simple-minded ideological rhetorically charged meant-to-be-clever-but-just-make-you-and-me-look-like-dumb-Americans signs that say little to nothing substantive about the politics and policy that have electrified this small piece of the countries electorate. You make the rest of us look like ass holes. Please, by all means, protest. Yell from rooftops, scream in the face of politicians on both sides of the aisle who make you mad even if you dont know why, shout corny and ineffective call and response chants on the Washington Mall. But dont make me look a douche. I'm talking to you, guy with this sign, and all your sign makin buddies:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor white people outside of cities generally blow